Ninjas vs Samurais

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Samurais and ninjas are one of the most famous historical warriors of all time, especially in Japanese culture. They are both great warriors of Japan yet many people tend to confuse them. Both samurais and ninjas are alike and different in many ways. Samurais and ninjas are both compare and contrast in terms of their identity, service, and history.The major differences between the samurai and the ninjas are their identities. Samurais were warriors that serve the noble classes of ancient Japanese society. Ninjas were often mercenaries, spies, and assassins, and would often belong to the lower classes of ancient Japanese society. Since these warriors had different tasks and methods, their clothing was also different. Samurais, as a high class warrior, wore full body suits of armor. These suits were made of metal plates tied together with leather or silk straps, and covered their legs, their arms, and their torso. They also had a metal helmet. Many times the samurais outfits had art and symbolism on them, depicting their clans emblem. Ninjas often wore tight black clothing and tend to be fully clothed, with only their eyes showing. Another major difference between the samurai and the ninja are their codes of ethics in fighting. Samurais are guided by an ancient code of ethics and form of combat known as Bushido (Japanese sword fighting). They make sure to enforce certain rules in the form of combat. In contrast, ninjas do not follow any ethical code when they fight, so their fighting style is considered to be unorthodox in Japanese culture. In fact, the way ninjas fight is the complete opposite of the samurai. For instance, samurais find it more honorable to fight face to face. Ninjas specialize in ambushing, espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination. This is why ninjas use a variety of different weapons that samurai do not use such as the ninja stars and
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