Nestle Kills Babies Controversy

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Reading over the Nestle’ kills babies controversy I kept thinking where do they take responsibility for what they did to their babies in third world countries. In America if someone watered down formula or used dirty water you would call CYS on the parents for malnutrition. I understand the large disconnect in cultural values between America and third world countries, but this raises questions in my mind of what the packaging looked like, was there directions that they ignored, and also the education of the nurses supplying these samples. It is important to learn the culture of where you are marketing to especially in a third world country where what is common sense to us, using proper dosage and clean water, is not common sense to them. Nestle’ is responsible for packaging and how they are marketing. Are instructions present, if so does it state clean water and proper dosage. Is nestle’ using facts, alternative to breast feeding. Looking at formula containers now there is very specific instructions how much water to formula, the nutrition label, and that it is an alternative. The label states “Breast milk is recommended. If you choose to use instant formula, the makers of similac have an instant formula that’s right for your baby.” Nestle’ as well as other companies in this situation can take on an initiative of donating time or money to these third world countries. Be mindful of cultural sensitivity. When marketing these products perhaps keep the label plain as instead of putting a healthy baby on the cover in cultures that see that as exploitation. Remain involved and in the loop, be a part of groups such as WHO, even consider funding research. Make sure your staff is educated and teaching so that proper use of products is being widespread. In addition to the disclaimer also companies can add information on when used properly formula is a great alternative
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