Explain The Need For Keeping Records And Describe Types Of Records

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Keeping records is essential within teaching as they allow the teacher to track both their own progress with students and also to consider each individual learner. Records need to be kept in order to comply with the law, as in cases where courses involve being taught in a hazardous environment (e.g. workshop), a risk assessment must be carried out by law. They should also be kept to comply with employer policies and procedures, which include schemes of work and lesson plans. These are important to ensure teaching plans and materials are available should the teacher be absent from work, alongside ensuring that the syllabus is being covered over the course. Records such as registers and learning support records can also be useful to gain funding for additional resources such as new facilities as they can help justify this need. Additionally, internal verification records are required to comply with awarding body’s requirements and having up to date records allow easier compliance with external organisations such as ofsted visits. Having an organised and complete set of records at hand will allow awarding body’s to assess work with greater ease and provide external organisations with the information they need. Finally, keeping assessment tracking records, schemes of work and lesson plans are useful to promote effective teaching and learning, and provide a reference for the teacher to evaluate when considering and planning future courses. There are numerous types of records that the teacher should keep and maintain throughout the academic year. Records of work/training records allow the teacher to assess the work and training that has been covered to date. Pass rates and trends are also extremely useful to keep as they allow the teacher to evaluate the success of their teaching and the learners experience, which in turn will improve the quality of the
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