Nepotism Conflict Letter

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I strongly disagree over the implementation of a company policy that will require me to be transferred away from this company or be terminated after more than 4 years of outstanding service. While I acknowledge and respect the spirit of the company personnel policies, I find it very difficult to understand how this can possibly be in the company’s best interest to implement what appears to be a “nepotism” provision which I have been told prevents two individuals from working at the same terminal who have a “2nd degree” relationship by marriage. I have attempted to resolve this issue with my immediate supervisor, but I have met the proverbial “brick wall.” I am hoping the company’s “open door” policy will provide a fair hearing of the issues and that we can find a “win-win” situation for everyone involved. The issue raised herein does not at all question the company’s right to have certain restrictions on hiring. I think it’s perfectly reasonable that conflicting employee relationships, if they are genuine, be minimized – in fact, there are many other companies with similar employment practices. What I have NOT found, though, is another organization which would look at this relationship as a “conflict of interest” or assume that the assigned responsibilities could not be carried out. In general, the main purpose of a “nepotism provision” in an employment policy doesn’t really relate to performance issues anyway – as is stated in most other cases, “In situations where an employee/relative can directly influence another employee/relative's career, pay, or employment status, careful measures must be taken by the company to avoid situations where the possibility of favoritism or conflicts of interest might exist.” In each of the organizations researched, there was very specific language which provided reasonable and logical circumstances for restricting the
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