Nat Agnes'stand Analysis

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‘Get the children ready. I’m taking them out of here’ In the fast-moving action pack novel ‘St Agnes’ Stand’ written by the remarkably talented Thomas Eidson we view a detailed act of bravery by cowboy, Nat Swanson. He is involved in a moral dilemma where he has a freedom of choice to go back to Sister St Anges, nuns and children that he has abandoned and help them survive and escape from the apaches or to leave and have nothing to do with this situation. Nat decides that helping them is the best option. The author has had a major influence on my opinion of Nat’s choice because he shows that the change of Nat’s characteristics is positive, redemption and atonement between the characters how the choice of Nat Swanson shows a positive outcome…show more content…
Eidson influenced my first impressions of Nat Swanson by persuading me to believe he was a bad and lonely character from the start of the novel. Eidson clearly demonstrates Nat Swanson as a lone ranger, a one-man gang and a loner in this story. At first Eidson reflects on Nat Swanson’s history to reflect his characteristics. Nat Swanson lost his whole family in an incident involving Comanche’s at a young age and was passed around foster homes. He felt abandoned because he also knew himself that he was only taken in by family for his work ethics but not for the caring and love of a child. The lack of love that he received at a young age for him influenced his decision of running away and living out into the dessert at the age of fourteen. This situation of having no one to depend on or depending on him has given him freedom and independence but has also betrayed his caring and loves towards others. Nat Swanson is ushered by a stray dog through his lonely journey. The impact of the dog accompanying him shows the lack of communication that Nat Swanson has. Nat Swanson is bitten frequently by the dog and has come to a point where he has grew hate against him and has threatened to kill him. Eidson writing style conveys to us, the reader, that even though they don’t like each other, they just like the presence of having a friend or someone to accompany each other through their rough journey. Their relationship occurs a change throughout the book but the most affective change was when Dog dies. Swanson was hit hard with his death. He sits out in the sun with Dog’s body spread on the ground. Swanson talks to Dog as if he was still alive and running about his plans and how Dog would help him at his ranch. The death of Dog shows a change of Nat Swansons character. Dog was his only persistent friend throughout his life. Shows us that he cared for Dog and he didn’t
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