Narrative Essay About Part Time Mormon Life

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Hi, I am a recovering part-time Mormon. I was born into the LDS church in Salt Lake City, baptized at eight, received the Aaronic Priesthood at twelve, etc. My dad comes from many generations of Mormons and my mom converted when she was a teenager. My parents divorced when I was three and my mom moved my younger brother and me to Florida. For the last 17 years I have spent summers with my dad in Utah and the rest of the year with my mom in Florida. My part-time Mormonism usually began the first weekend after the last day of school. I remember my brother and I being so excited to fly to Utah because the summer would kick-off with a big family reunion camping trip. During those summers, I was Mormon and everything we did revolved around the…show more content…
He had since returned from a deployment to Afghanistan and gotten divorced, so we started the summer off with a weeklong hiking trip, reminiscent of the early summers. It was a great bonding time and my dad seemed more lighthearted than he had in years. We talked a lot about my plans for college and I was hopeful that this trip would be a positive experience. We were to spend the rest of the summer in Eagle Mountain where my dad moved with his new wife. I got a job as a lifeguard at the family pool facility on the military base, working everyday trying to save money for school. Life at home was pleasant until I wanted a little more free time to relax and I told my dad I did not want to attend church. I have always worried about disappointing my dad, so I struggled with telling him I no longer believed in the Mormon Church. When I finally had the conversation with my dad, it quickly spiraled out of control, he was angry and was not having it. I tried to convey my feelings that the church did not give me a good feeling when I went. I knew my dad was a little extreme about church however, I always believed that beneath all that he was fair and open-hearted, so what happened over the next few weeks shocks me even

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