Students and teachers in other countries may not feel the same but, in the United States, people need longer then just one or two weeks during the summer to relax and relieve all the stress that they might have. When stress builds up, you need to take time to relax for a while, and a week or two during the summer would not be enough time to do that. When students have been off for a couple of weeks it is always hard to go back because you know your going to have to work and this would make some students depressed. So we need the two months during the summer time to relieve the stress that might build up during the summer. In the summer time it is very hot most days and schools without air conditioning would be very hard to learn in and for teachers to teach.
Students might not be comfortable with the idea of YRS at first. Many students' first reaction is the "horrible" thought of "losing" their summer vacations. Really, no one is "losing" the time they get away from school; it is just being spread out over a longer period of time, which is in the students' own best interests. Although it might take some time many students prefer YRS to the standard calendar. "I thought it would be a bit boring, because
Without homework in their faces, they could enjoy their summer more. School can be so stressful that some kids’ just want to kill themselves. The reason some students drop out of school is because it is too stressful for them to handle. During summer when students’ have tones of homework, they become stressful and they began to worry about finishing it before summer vacation is over. Kids’ could go mad or crazy, because they have a pile of homework waiting for them to finish.
In fact, according to a study at the University of Missouri, they found that many students forgot over two and one-half months of whatever their grade-level equivalency is in mathematics. (Wilkenfield) Plus after the summer vacation, many teachers end up spending from four to six weeks of the next school year trying to review what had happened in the previous years, says David Payne, a former principal. Summer vacation is one of the only major times that parents are able to travel or take vacations, however, year-round schooling which allows small breaks throughout the seasons. Also, travel rates during the summer are usually higher than other times of the year. When students return to school after a summer break, there is often a long time period of adjustment.
1-2) A traditional school year would have a 180-day school year with short breaks for the holidays followed by a 12-week summer break. After that long break over the summer, where the kids are most likely sitting around doing nothing beneficial to their education, they tend to forget most of what they learned the previous school year. That is called summer learning loss. In a year round school calendar, schools still only have 180 days, but more frequent breaks will be given. With more breaks about 1-2 weeks long, students wont forget what they learned before the break.
First of all, many students have after school jobs that they have to maintain. Some families rely on their kids to provide either for themselves or for their families. An extra two hours of school might not allow kids the ability to juggle school and work at the same time. Also if the school day is two hours longer, students that work will not have enough time to maintain a social life or even be able to keep their jobs. Extending the school day may do more harm than good.
Learning is wasted because of knowledge not being retained through the three months of summer. Year-round schooling is a concept proposed by many in the educational world as a solution to this lack of knowledge retention. There is a common misconception that year-round schooling would result in more school, when in fact; it is simply an alternate way of organizing the school calendar. Schools that use the year-round education attend classes for 180 days, the same as those of traditional schools, but with a different layout. Schools on the traditional calendar attend classes that are divided in nine months of school and three months of education.
Online classes required self determination and a lot time. This is definitely not what I had in mind! Procrastination and grades don’t mix well and the outcome has many consequences. Happiness is hard to achieve when you are always in a rush to finish a task that was supposed to be done weeks or even months before hand. For example I waited all summer to sign up for fall classes and as a result I got stuck with most classes that other students didn’t want to take.
To leave your country and go to another one is a big step to take. You are leaving behind family and friends that you have known for your whole life. There could be old people who die or new children born that you never get to see while you are gone. Your whole life you are used to having your friends that you are comfortable with and who understand you, but when you study in a new place, you do not have those friends to support you and you have to start over meeting new people. These problems can make it hard for international students to focus on their school when they are missing their friends and family.
Key Points The article “Mid-Columbia schools try to beat student forgetfulness” by Jacques Von Lunen primarily focuses on how teachers and schools alike are aiming to prevent students’ “learning backslide” that occurs from summer break. Principal Niki Arnold of Eastgate Elementary School in Kennewick commented that students could lose between four and six weeks’ worth of learning during summer vacation (Von Lunen, 2011). Interestingly, studies have shown that students from lower-income families fell behind even more. (Von Lunen, 2011). Due to this significant drop in learning, students are often at different intellectual levels and teachers have to be creative in coming up with solutions to combat this.