Narrative Composition Essay

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NAME : _______________________________ DATE : ______________________________ NARRATIVE COMPOSITION When we hear the word ‘narrate’, it usually means telling or depicting a story of something that has been experienced. Usually, these stories are told in a step by step manner that is in sequential order. The goal in narrative compositions is to tell a story that is true or fictional. Narrative compositions are usually written to entertain. Narrative compositions often rely on personal experiences and it is often in the form of a story. Once a writer uses this technique, he must make sure to include all the aspects of storytelling which are plot, character, setting, climax, and ending. These aspects are used to explain, support, and give life to the story. The narrative composition offers the writer a chance to write and think about themselves. The writer can get these stories from his experiences and memories and these are the memories that he wants to share with other people. Narrative essays are these are the memories that he wants to share with other people. Narrative essays are usually told from a defined point of view, most of the time from the author’s point of view so feelings and specific details can be provided to involve the reader in the story. Getting Started Once you are tasked to write a narrative essay, the most important thing to do is to think of a topic that you want to write about. Make use of the prewriting strategies that have been discussed in the previous chapter. Some prewriting strategies that could be used are brainstorming, clustering, and conferencing. Brainstorm in order to have a list or an outline of the facts and pick out the most interesting facts and ideas for the main idea of your narrative composition. Make use of the clustering method in order to pin down or topics that you wish to highlight.

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