Name: Instructor: Course: Date: How Is Growth in World Population Related to Environmental Concerns in Particular and to Global Affairs More Generally? a Majority of People Worry That the Increases in Population Deplete

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Name: Instructor: Course: Date: How is growth in world population related to environmental concerns in particular and to global affairs more generally? A majority of people worry that the increases in population deplete resources and if not contained can trigger a social or economic catastrophe. In the developing nation, the population growth has resulted in poor health standards, low education levels, scarce housing, depletion of the natural resources and poverty. The societal environmental impact occurs in two main forms. Initially, the increase in population results to them consuming food, water, land and services from the health ecosystem. Overconsumption due to the population growth depletes severely the non renewable resources such as the fossil fuels and depletes the renewable resources like the forests and fisheries. Secondly, the human population produces a wide array of wastes as a byproduct of their consumption activities including the toxic materials, excess nutrients and the greenhouse gas. Some of the wastes such as the various pollutants and untreated sewage threatens the human population. The increase in population growth spurs worries that the developing nation might deplete their food supplies. The vast society's consume more resources when compared to the small societies, however, the patterns of consumption and choices in the technology used might account for the environmental harms than the number of people. The population of the united states for example is one fourth that of India or China, . However, the US is presently using far more energy due to the fact that the Americans are more affluent, and they use their wealth to purchase the energy intensive food like electronics and cars. However, India and China are growing and as a result becoming more affluent, hence their environmental impact shall increase due to the size in population

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