Myths and Misconceptions About People with Disabilities

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MYTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES According to Collins dictionary (2010) misconception is a false or mistaken view, idea or belief and a myth is something which is taken to be true but it is false. There are many myths and misconceptions about people with disabilities. However we will only take a look at two myths and misconceptions which says that the people with disability can not cope with education and they are special people so they should be treated differently. To begin with the myth and misconception that says that the people with disabilities can not cope with education. This is false because other students which have disabilities do perform even better in class than those without disabilities. The fact that one has disability does not mean that he or she can not understand concepts when learning as well as studying. This misconception affects the learners with disability in many ways Wolfendale (2001). Firstly it lowers one-self esteem. When the students with disability hear that they can not cope with education, some think that they are already failures and that they can not understand anything in class. This affects teaching and learning process because the students develop bad attitudes towards learning. So even when the teacher tries to explain as much as she or he can, these learners can not understand because of that mentality that they are already failures. This also affects the teaching process in the sense that the teacher gets discouraged because of the poor performance of his or her students. If the students perform better the teacher gets encouraged otherwise the teaching process may be poor. This myth and misconception has to be addressed so that the students with disability reach their full potential in education Wall (2006). Stakes (2001) says that the teachers should have good strategies to help the students

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