My Mom Might Not Be a Superhero, but She's More Than That...

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My mother is the most inspiring person in my life. The reason why I chose my mother is because she is really all I have. She is my motivation, she has always been there for me and helps me live through all my struggles even during the most difficult times in my life I knew I could turn to her. I grew up with a mother and a father, but my mother was the one who pushed me to my true potential and kept me focused on doing better in school. Overall, my mother has molded me into a better student and young man. Although I look up to my whole family my mom is who I admire the most. Her love for others is amazing. Despite the little she had, we would always be the one to help the needy in our family and around the neighborhood. She is the strongest and most hard working woman I know. When I was 16 years old my dad died of Leukemia, and my mom became a single mother. My grandmother taught my mother about foods, clothing, domestic values, etc. My grandfather was a hard working farmer. One day while her father taught her about the value of the land, a storm came and destroyed the land, and her family lost everything. After losing everything, later that year my mom lost both of her parents. After having basically nothing, at the age of 38 that’s when she decided to leave Colombia, where we all were borned. The place where all our family was and the place where she almost lost everything. But she did it to help us, to show us that we can't never give up, that whatever might get in our way, it’s going to be a lesson to be learned, and that at the end of the day we're going to have to think about it and then just walk away and move on. Because if we keep thinking about the past, we are going to get stuck there and never find happiness. My mom came to this country with me and my brother all alone, just with some money on her pocket. I remember getting up in the morning and going

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