My Last Duchess

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My Last Duchess For many years the male species has embedded that they have or should have power over women. In the course of society and most of all traditions, we act accordingly to how others view us. In today’s society and society 100 years ago women are described to be caring and nurturing while on the other hand men are considered to be more powerful and are dominant over their entire family even their wives. People that seem to have this assumption believe that men and women live better lives when both assume their role, and that role is what the environment has ordained in them. Although over the years women has gain to their rights to vote and to freedom choice, humanity still considers men to be the providers and the women to be care givers. In the story "A Rose for Emily," we see where the given gender roles for women along with the same observation upon the male dominant in the poem "My Last Duchess."Both stories talk about the male and female gender roles in their own individual ways. A person’s surroundings have a big influence on how men and women are viewed. For instance, being from the Caribbean background, I could remember having to prepare food for my younger brother, clean up after he finish eating and making his bed. This routine became normal for us and my sisters and I never question or asked my mother why he gets the better treatment. A man in the household represents authority, security and power. I met a woman from Africa who said, “In Africa when you own a business, for the New Years you never accept money from women; the women must hand it over to a man to pay the cahier. A man is known to bring good luck and wealth to your business for the New Year.” An individual gender role is cultivated according to their culture norm; individuals learn the ways of the norm, traditions and how to treat and respect each other. Although time has
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