My Evolved Society

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My Evolved Society When asking myself this question, it was quite clear to me where I stood on this topic, considering all the positive changes this country has made to shape our society. I believe that not only have we evolved as a society we continue to evolve in all aspects of society, regardless if it be with civil rights, technology, judicial system or raising children. Although it seems that the wheels of justice turn very slow, which may very well be the case considering, the first slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia (a British north American colony) in 1619 and the fact that blacks were persecuted and treated as less of a second class citizens’, until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits the discrimination of all kinds based on race, color, religion, beliefs, or origin. The law also provides the federal government with the powers to enforce desegregation. There was a time in 1703 when it was illegal for blacks and Indians to walk at night without a pass. It was against the law for blacks and whites to be friends, talk to each other, or have physical contact. Now interracial relationships, although still taboo in some social circles, in most places they don’t even raise an eyebrow, any longer. In fact you often see interracial couples on television sit coms, reality shows, commercials and in movies. People of mixed races continue to be the fastest growing population in the United States, according to,, a population that has tripled during the last century. We are a nation that has grown from 100 million, in 1915 to 200 million, by 1967 to a whopping 300 million, in 2006. We are expected to grow into a population of 9 billion by the year 2050( Another example of societies evolving as a whole is our judicial system, although not perfect, I challenge you to find a better one. We have evolved from public executions,
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