My Cousin Liz

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My Cousin Liz My cousin Liz and I are like brother and sister. We always love to hang out with each other whenever we have the chance. We talk about everything and we don't keep secrets from each other. When we were both younger, there was an accident that brought us closer together. When I was 6 years old and Liz was 10 years old, we went to a family friend's cottage to visit a middle age couple. Their cottage was on White Clay Lake. Coincidently, they had a go-kart that looked like a lot of fun. The first day we visited was a warm, summer day. We came to the cottage in the morning so it was pleasantly cool outside. There was a warm breeze in the air that felt good on one's face. The cottage was in a little nest of woods by White Clay Lake. The owners owned the cottage but rented the land. They had running water but no bathroom. Instead, they had an outhouse. It looked so enchanting to a child as young as me. The lake was a beautiful blue sparkling in the early morning's sun's rays. So on the first day we visited, my family and I and Liz and her family we took a walk into different fields. We looked for wild grapes, honeysuckle, and all sorts of other cool things. There were so many beautiful, colorful butterflies too! The wild grass smelled so fresh and luscious. When I had to go to the bathroom, I had to go to the outhouse to do my business. In the outhouse, there was a fan on the ceiling. There was no electricity in the outhouse, so when I tried to turn on the fan, I was disappointed to see I would have to go with no fan. It was a private joke that the owners liked to use. They thought it was funny, but I didn't see the humor in that. On the Second day of going to the cottage, the owners introduced Liz and I to a go-kart. It looked like so much fun. But before we could drive it, we had to learn how to choke it in case we needed to stop the
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