Much Ado About Nothing Benedick Analysis

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William Shakespeare establishes Benedick’s character by using diction and imagery to show his changed viewpoint on marriage. Benedick is strongly opinionated and rarely ever let’s his guard down when it comes to feelings or love. After he overhears that Beatrice is in love with him, he ponders what to do. The characterization is established through diction, “And wise, but for loving me; by my troth it is not addition to her wit, nor no great argument of her folly, for I will be horribly in love with her!” (II.3.235-237). He is saying that is might not be wise for loving him, but he swears it won’t be stupid for he is going to be “horribly” in love with her. The word choice of “horribly” emphasizes a sense of awkwardness because he doesn’t know the first thing when it comes to love. It also gives a bit of that comical side to Benedick’s character, even in the name of love, he still can’t forget about the competition between him and Beatrice.…show more content…
That line is also a critical moment in the development of Benedick’s character. It’s the first time he drops his defense and thinks about his feelings for Beatrice and it begins to shift his thoughts on marriage. Shakespeare states, “Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of the brain awe a man from the career of his humor? No!” (II.3. 241-243). Do quips, taunts and harsh written words stop a man from getting what he wants? Of course not! By the use of “paper bullets of the brain” we create an image words shooting like bullets, mercilessly teasing him but it still will not keep him from changing his mind about marriage. Shakespeare uses diction and imagery to oversee the transformation in Benedick as defends his former hatred towards marriage by deciding that people can change overtime. Ultimately the more characters or people learn about themselves, the more they evolve into someone
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