Mr. Brooks Movie Analysis

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Analysis of the film Mr. Brooks The film is an interesting film in which the protagonist named Earl Brooks is a seemingly self-realized man, but at the same time, maintaining a double life in more ways than one. On one hand, he is a successful businessman, well known and respected socially, to the point that one of the first scenes of the film is awarded "Man of the Year". Of his intimate relation at the family level, he would have a seemingly exemplary family, consisting of his beautiful wife with whom he maintained a happy marriage and his only daughter, a young freshman that is in the first year of college and with whom he maintains a close and loving relationship. Finally, contrary to the above, as viewers, we discovered a very striking difference when it corresponds to the Earl’s personality characteristics. This is a character who suffers from a serious psychopathology that leads him to commit major crimes. Mr. Brooks is a wanted murderer who for years has adopted the pseudonym of "murderer of the tracks." This is categorized as an "abnormal" person. We recall that, as seen in class, the compliance by individuals in a society is essential as they are not given away, i.e when someone violate these rules, you may consider a subject that is outside of this normal. Due to the severity of their actions, Earl would be what is commonly branded as "crazy". However, to extend the idea of maintaining appearance of compliance, it is important to remember that Earl is a subject that apparently met socially imposed rules and actually holds a recognized and prominent place in this aspect of his life. While leading a life like any other sane human being, he frequents a group in which he is recognized as an addict in rehab (although takes two years "without falling back"), but he never goes into detail on what which in terms addiction itself, however, and he leaves

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