Mother Courage Essay

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MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHRILREN – REFLECTIVE STATEMENT QUESTION - How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed through the interactive oral? Mother courage and her Children play by Bertolt Brecht is a revolutionary play written by the 20th century German dramatist Bertolt Brecht for the sole purpose of opposing the rise of Fascism in Nazi Germany. Through this interactive oral, I learned active Brecht’s contributions to modern orbit, such as the supposition of heroic subject field, besides known as the V-effect, as well as the ideal of the lunacy effect. I discovered that Brecht was a weapons-grade colleague of Marxism, and as such, the imagination of Marxism was prevalent throughout many of his represents. Due to this, Brecht created the concept of epic theatre, where the individual character is less laborious than a social or political message embellish forth by the author. The invention of the concept of epic theatre was revolutionary, as most theatres made use of the theme of naturalism, which was conventional, and the norm. I learned that Ibsen believed that naturalism was a slavish imitation of life, and he sought to liberate modern theatre from this kind of concept by using the concept of detachment; he prostrate as though the reference would not truly apprehend name the message he was trying to convey through the vamp if they did not feel as though they were free from it. I learned that the detachment effect is known as the craziness effect, or as the V-effect, and that it is used primarily to distance the reference from emotion so, that they do not lose themselves in the character that the author created, and instead become conscious and isolated critics of the go who are not swayed by the characters emotions. Mother Courage’s character in his play Mother Courage and her Children makes use of the
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