Module 4 Assignment 1: Business Tactic And Action Plan

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MKT1Western Governors University Table of Contents The Product .........................................2 Target Market ......................................2 Competitive Situation Analysis ...........2 SWOT Analysis....................................3 Market Objectives ................................4 Marketing Strategies ............................4 Tactics and Action Plan ........................5 Monitoring Procedures .........................7 The Product Company G has striven to make some of the best mixing products at the least cost to the company and consumers. The Little Wonder, Company G's new, smaller, mixing product comes with characteristics that are hard to ignore and a 4 year warranty that is double that of competing…show more content…
However, future threats always have the potential to arise. Competitive Rivalry – Unless the popularity of the Little Wonder completely dwarfs other products in it's class then competitive rivalry should remain small. This would change if the Little Wonder starts to greatly impact competitor's bottom lines and they find a way to begin to manufacturer new and improved mixers themselves at a lower cost. Threat from New Entrants – New entrants is unlikely because of the amount of features in Company G's product and it's price point. Competitors likely would not want to risk losing current sales by adding features which would raise their prices. Threat from Buyers – Because Company G is able to sell the Little Wonder at the current market price , if not lower, the threat from buyers is…show more content…
Company G has prided itself on cultivating relationships with it's suppliers built on honesty, confidence, and allegiance in order to facilitate profits for both parties. However, as popularity may grow for the product so too may the market and suppliers might consider increasing costs, in which case a fixed contract would be discussed. Threat from Substitutes – If the Little Wonder does prosper their may be threats from substitutes from larger companies that are able to produce a similar product on an increased scale thereby reducing it's price and making it difficult for Company G to compete. SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis has been done for Company G and the outcome is clearly positive. The details of that evaluation: STRENGTHS  Dedication from management, employees, and suppliers 1. Company G’s dedication from management, employees, and suppliers to delivery high quality products and great customer service would be a core competency.  A high credit rating coupled with a low debt:equity ratio 2. Company G is financially sound due to a low debt:equity ratio and high credit rating.  Reduced costs thanks to efficient production 3. Another core competency for Company G would be it's efficient production capabilities, resulting becoming one of the lowest cost producers in the small appliance market.  Recognizable

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