Misery Anton Chekhov, Desiree's Baby, Powder

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Derek Sullivan Looking for Someone to Listen In “Misery” the reader experiences a look into the emotional conflict envisioned by Anton Chekhov. The theme seems to be humans need to share their grief, even if it’s with an animal. Throughout the story the main character Iona, who lost his son to death a week prior, tries to talk to different people with no avail. It seems no matter how hard he tries they just ignore him or yell at him. “His misery is immense, beyond all bounds. If Iona’s heart were to burst and his misery to flow out, it would flood the whole world… .” Iona is utterly depressed and this passage shows just how much significance is placed on getting someone to listen to him. Throughout the story Chekhov shows the reader this depression. From the opening paragraph, “the sledge driver, is all white like a ghost. He sits on the box without stirring, bent as double as the living body can be bent.” Finally, in the end Iona realizes his true friend is his horse. He should have talked to him a long time ago; it was as though the horse was waiting for him to talk. Love Hurts Bad, It Might Even Kill You The plot structure in “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin is filled with many different emotions starting with the love of her mother, and ending with the unconditional love for her husband. It all starts when Monsieur finds a baby near the front gate; the baby’s name is Desiree. Desiree eventually grows up into a beautiful and tender young woman. Eventually a young man named Armand falls in love with Desiree and asks her hand in marriage. He knows of Desiree's past but is in love and does not care of it. Complications start to arise when Madame Valmonde noticed the baby's mixed ancestry, exclaiming out loud at first sight of him "this is not the baby,” Desiree thought she was mentioning how big the baby had grown. Madame Valmonde knew her influence would not

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