Tom Brennan's 'The Bucket List'

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ENGLISH STANDARD-INTO THE WORLD As the story begins 21 weeks after the accident Tom is in a state of shock and grief. He is constantly numb with despair. He restrains all his pain silently inside and is reluctant to continue his life shown through the statement “Bad thoughts... suffocated any hope I had of getting my life back.” The uses of flashbacks show his memories of Daniels previously erratic behaviour, “He just got away with it”. He constantly recalls the accident, “I was sucked deeper into that long black tunnel”. When Tom received an email from Matt, he deletes it, as he cannot express the overpowering emotions he kept inside. Tom finds situations involving Fin uncomfortable, “I just knew being here with Fin hurt, and probably always…show more content…
Edward Cole and Carter Chambers are both experiencing the hardships of cancer. Carter is extremely flat and resigned to death. He is detached from his family and leads a very dull life. However, Edward is rude, selfish and abrupt as shown in his many statements such as “kiss my ass...” Edward is very demanding and insensitive. The bucket list was created by Carter as a “young mans wishes”. This brought on many new experiences that lead them to go skydiving, climb mountains and visit many countries. Carter experiences a consolidation of his values and realises the importance of his wife and children. When they return from their journeys their lives have been changed forever. Carter is reunited with his family and living happily once again. Edward has come to the realisation that business and money is not everything and through Carter the importance of family. He visits his daughter to try to develop a real relationship. During Carters funeral service Edward displays the depths of his emotions towards Carter. Both of the men are very thankful to each other and have brought some joy into each other’s
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