Miranda Rights Case

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Miranda Rights Sheila Woodman Criminal Procedure & the Constitution Everest University It is imperative that any student of criminal procedure understand the Fifth Amendment and Miranda. 1. Thoroughly explain the case and state exactly how the case applied Miranda. The case you use must specifically refer to and cite Miranda. The case that I will be writing a brief on is the case DICKERSON v. UNITED STATES, 530 U.S. 428 (2000). In this case, Charles Dickerson, the petitioner, confessed to committing a crime during his questioning by law enforcement. The petitioner motioned to the court that his confession was obtained by his law enforcement officer before being read his Miranda rights. Subsequently, “[t]he District Court granted Dickerson’s motion and suppressed the statement as evidence, but the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (the “Fourth Circuit”) allowed the statements into evidence.”(casebriefs) Ever since the case Miranda v. Arizona was heard in 1966, “Miranda has become embedded in routine police practice to the point where the warnings have become part of our national culture.” (Samaha, J.) Chief Justice William Rehnquist referred to the Miranda case during the ruling of the 2000 Dickerson v. United States. He stated that Miranda had often…show more content…
Charles Dickerson at this time was then taken into custody and placed under arrest. The timing of his self-incriminating statement was not completely known. “The FBI and local detectives testified that Dickerson was advised of his Miranda rights, established in Miranda v. Arizona, and waived them before he made his statement. Dickerson said he was not read his Miranda warnings until after he gave his statement.”

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