Minimum Wage Pros & Cons

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Minimum Wage Usually when people first think of minimum wage their first thought is an entry level job that involves a constant hours of rigorous work. To other people they see it differently, and may look at the economic side of minimum wage and how it would affect others. Minimum wage can decide a lot about the economic flow of the U.S. or even the economic flow of other countries. There are benefits to minimum wage as well that would assist others in the U.S. to live in a suitable way. With these ideas I am going to analyze both sides to this argument on minimum wage and its impact on the businesses, the government, and most importantly the American people. Then I will give my opinion on the matter in the end. First off I will go over the some of the basics of minimum wage and how it is price floor. There are two types of laws that the government can impose on businesses that can affect the supply and demand curve of a company. These are called price floors and price ceilings. Price ceilings are when the government sets the maximum price that will be allowed when a good or service is sold (Lee, 1998). Price floors are when the government sets the minimum price that will be allowed when a good or service is sold (Lee, 1998). Price floors are used by the government to prevent prices from being too low (Lee, 1998). Minimum wage is something that the government would put a price floor on. When the government puts a price floor on minimum wage it means that there is going to be a set price to how much you can pay a person per hour and the business cannot pay any less than what the government set the price floor at (Lee, 1998). For example if the government set a price floor for minimum wage at $10.08, then businesses need to comply and start paying everyone at least that amount per hour. To understand this better, it would be easier to imagine a graph with the
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