Milgrams Obedience to Authority

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Andes Lee 1/12/15 Human Behavior Obedience to Authority Milgrams Obedience to Authority Most people see obedience as a good thing in the same way disobedience is bad. This is what society has taught us, we should do what we are told. However, how far would one go to obey someone with authority? Millions of people in concentration camps during the holocaust were killed by soldiers with the command by their superiors. People by nature like to obey others, it is what they think is morally right. People would obey someone that has credibility to the point of fatally killing someone. We are fond of people that have authority because they are successful, and therefore as a virtue in nature, we obey people that are successful. We adhere to people who have credibility and are authentic, like scientists, and therefore obedience to authority is by nature. We all know anger and hate makes us make unmoral decisions, but in 1963, an experiment was conducted on obedience to authority. This experiment made participants go against what many people thought was moral and they were in their total normal state of mind. This experiment was conducted by Stanley Milgram, who received a Ph.D. in social psychology from Harvard. The aim of the experiment was to figure out how far normal people would go to obey people with authority, even if it involves painfully torturing someone. In this experiment, participants were paid $4.50 to show up at a lab at Yale University and participate in what they thought was an experiment on “learning”. (McLeod) After the participant arrived at the lab, he was introduced to his “co-subject” who, in actuality was an actor. The experimenter in a lab coat would then explain the purpose of the experiment (on leaning) and procedure. The subjects then drew slips of paper from a hat to determine who would be the teacher or learner, but the
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