Mid Term Break

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Mid Term Break is a depressing and captivating poem written by Seamus Heany. Mid Term Break was based on facts, and is the poet’s memory of his younger brother’s death. He uses simplistic childlike language throughout the entire poem. Along with several language features Seamus is able to capture the reader’s attention. The poet’s consistent use of enjambment creates a reoccurring feeling throughout each stanza that there is something missing in the poet’s life. His use of this, changes the childlike language as being more of a recount in a weighty, harsh tone . Much of the language is direct and simple, ‘crying, drove, counting’ giving the impression that the poet is young. The poet’s use of metaphors , ‘bells knelling classes to a close,’ gives an insight for what is about to happen. Creating a gloomy mood , and setting perspective for the rest of the poem. His use of the metaphor ‘wearing a poppy bruise’ suggests that the bruise could be removed. This is the poet’s way of expressing his emotions, and his acceptance towards his brother’s death. The poet then extends the metaphor ‘poppy’, a symbol of death and also a peace offering to the dead. Explains the poet’s naive thoughts on why his brother had to die, and him respecting his brother for what he was. His use of three lines per stanza creates an overall childlike and naïve feeling. The stanzas could also be mirroring the situation, by suggesting that whoever died was young. The Poet was also very clever when giving his poem the title ‘Mid Term Break.’ This is a pun , and creates the illusion that it’s supposed to be happy, yet it’s about a funeral and that it’s a break in the middle of the term which is ironic. Seamus Heany’s poem creates a vivid and lurid imagery. His simple language is effective, and emphasise main themes, and concepts. It is a memorable poem, due to his use of metaphors
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