Michael Jackson Deviance

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Michael Jackson Known to the world as The King of Pop, Michael Jackson has come a long way to be called a deviant in both the past’s society and today’s society. Quite a lot has changed since 1968 when Jackson signed with Motown Records as the lead singer of his family’s group Jackson 5. Jackson is both a positive and negative deviant from both internal and external controls. From his accusations to his dance moves, Michael Jackson is known as one of the greatest artists of all time. The labeling theory is when a society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant, and this is exactly what happened to Michael Jackson. In 1994, Jackson was accused of child abuse. The allegations were left ignored until 2003 when Jackson was accused of child molestation. In 2005, Jackson was acquitted of all charges. Many people believe it was Jackson’s money that got him out of all legal trouble, and many people believe he was innocent. To this day, no one knows whether he was guilty or not, but the labeling theory remains true. Jackson was accused of many different crimes which led people to view him as a sick man, one who doesn’t belong in the society. Yes, Michael Jackson was thought to be a negative deviant from his disturbing accusations, but he is also a positive deviant. At only the age of five, Jackson became the lead singer of the Jackson 5. Just that makes him a deviant. Even today, there isn’t a single five-year-old child I can name that is a lead singer of a music group. Jackson, whose music belongs to the pop culture genre, created music that no one had ever heard before. He didn’t create a new genre, but he created his own sub-genre that blew everyone away. Not only was Michael Jackson’s music new and refreshing, but so were his clothes and dance moves. Jackson wore clothes that had never been seen before. His famous red and gold jacket and
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