Mcnaughton - Observation Proposal: Psychology 315

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Observation Proposal: Psychology 315 Chester McNaughton February 03, 2013 City University Observation Proposal: Psychology 315 In this observation project the observer will be observing an experienced marriage counselor counsel and assist one couple with their distressed marriage. The intent of this project is to observe techniques used based on the understanding of learning theories presented in the student introductory text Learning and Behavior (Mazur J.A., 2013) particularly the principles of shaping and learning by observation. This observation should enhance the observers ability to appropriately use techniques to apply these learning principles in the “live” dynamic environment of the client – therapist dialogue. The observer would like to help future clients achieve their goals of fulfilling meaning significant interpersonal relationships. Many people want relationships that are respectful, loving, mutually aligned, supportive, and positive. However, they often do not know how to resolve the obstacles to achieving this. This could be compared to wanting a visibly fit body but not knowing the details of diet, training regimes and lifestyle changes that result in that goal. In addition to this some research points to a connection between relational distress and emotional, physical, and psychiatric illness. . (Mackinnon et al., 2012; Bloom, Asher, & White, 1978; Burman & Margolin, 1992). This observation should improve the observers ability to help clients achieve their relational goals and improve client’s emotional health outcome in distressed marriages. Population People with marital conflict often experience some of the most prolonged interpersonal and personal suffering of any group. There are many factors that oppose the rapid dissolution of marriage these include religious beliefs, societal &cultural pressures, personal emotional needs,

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