Mccloud-Berger Comparison Essay

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Joseph Pannizzo Prof Kumar English 101 April 10 2011 McCloud and Berger Comparison Art is a field that is often perceived differently depending on the person that observes it. Scott McCloud, author of Setting the Record Straight, is a cartoonist that tries to show people the art and storytelling behind comics while John Berger, author of Ways of Seeing, explain how art is perceived by the public eye. They both explain how art is not always black and white and has many layers of gray in between. There is not just one way to look at a piece of art. However, Berger and McCloud have two completely different reasons to why art is this way. Scott McCloud confronts the general stereotype that, “Comics were those bright, colorful magazines filled with bad art, stupid stories and guys in tights”(McCloud 694), a common misconception most people have. He explains how not all comics are illiterate garbage and the lineage of the comic strip, such as masterpieces like the Bayeux Tapestry and “The Tortures of Saint Erasmus”. The art of comics can be compared to that of storytelling. The sequential art and text relays a story that can adapt many meanings just as a painting might. Paintings such as Venus and Mars by Botticelli. In the painting Berger deals with how reproduction affects how someone views a painting. He stresses the importance of seeing the entirety of a painting in order to find its meaning. Berger analyzes the differences between seeing the whole painting of Venus and Mars between just seeing a cropped bust of Venus. He writes, “ Reproduction isolates detail of a painting from the whole. The detail is transformed. An allegorical figure becomes a portrait of a girl.”(Berger 724). Both McCloud and Berger stress the importance of seeing the whole in order to understand the story. In McCloud's circumstance he explains how proper writing and sequential art can

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