Mass Density And Volume

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Mass/weight/density Mass and weight both work together to make density. The man that found out how to calculate the density was a scientist named Archimedes. The definition of mass is anything that has matter. Weight is the amount of gravitational pull on one thing. In this experiment we tried to figure out if mass, weight and density were related. Archimedes discovered density by sitting in a bath full of water. And realized the water that spilled out was how much space he took up in the bath. How many liters that spilled out was how many liters Archimedes took up in the world. As legend has it, when he found this out he ran into the street - naked - shouting "Eureka!" which means, in Greek, "I've found it!" .He was shouting "Eureka" because the king asked him to find out if his crown was all gold or did the goldsmith take some gold and used silver instead. Mass: Isaac Newton called mass the quantity of matter. To add to the confusion, mass is related to an object's inertia but it also is related to how hard objects are attracted to the earth. Our way of giving up on the impossible task of defining mass is to say: mass is the measure of the amount of "stuff" in something. This definition is properly confusing and you can work on the meaning of "stuff"! In the metric system mass is measured in kilograms and grams and these will be the units we will most often use. (In the United States today, almost no one knows what the unit of mass is called--it's not the pound. The pound is a unit of weight--more about weight in the next paragraph. The more mass something has, the harder it is to move or, the more sluggish it is. Weight: The weight of a mass is the force that the earth pulls on the mass. The entire idea of weight can be understood as the force of gravity on something. Usually we spend most of our time on Earth so our weight is the force that the
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