Marxism In Othello

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- This criticism focuses on class oppression and looking at how different levels of society interact - It looks at what each text has to say about class relations - The class that owns the means of production is the most powerful  Venetian Senate owns everything - Each ruling class has a system of ideas that the other classes accept as the dominant outlook UNTIL THE OTHER CLASSES BECOME REVOLOUTIONARY  Emilia’ conversation with Desdemona is revolutionary - Marx himself was fascinated by the late 16th C in England because of the change in social class. Eg. The rise in the working class (proletariat) and the rise of the middle class (bourgeoisie) - Marxism has always been concerned with development of different classes in history - Marx wrote ‘Shakespeare portrays the essence of money excellently… if money is the bond that binds me to human life, that binds society to me and me to nature and man, is not money the bond of all bonds?... is it not therefore the universal means of separation? It is the universal whore, the pander between men and peoples.’ Karl Marx, ‘the economic and philosophical manuscripts’ (1844). This is saying that money makes society function, it not only binds us together, but separates those who have it and those who don’t. - The issue of storytelling, how stories are received, who they serve, is an important theme in Othello - Individuals create stories about themselves to establish an identity  sometimes our stories are imposed on us - Othello states he ‘Saw the handkerchief’ (Act 5, Sc2, Ln66), but what he really saw was a mute fact – facts are meaningless until placed into context – Othello used the wrong story to interpret what he saw. He takes Iago’s lies as facts, believes everything else - Marxism emphasizes the link between power  storytelling  economics. Eg. The play
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