Marriage in the African American Community

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Marriage in the African American Community Marriage in the African American community is almost null and void. The divorce and separation rate in the African American community is at an all time high. This is to some extent due to the value of marriage in the African American community changing. More and more of African Americans are being raised in single family homes. African American women are not getting married for love anymore. They are marrying for wealth, or other reasons. Today’s women are higher educated and makes as much money if not more than their African American partners. Therefore education also plays a role in marriage in the African American community. The majority of African American marriages end up in divorce. Many are separating instead of getting divorce; especially couples with children. African Americans are separating instead of getting divorced because of the economy. They are separating to keep insurance coverage on themselves or their children or both. Statistics show that seventy-two percent of African Americans are raised in single family homes. The values of African Americans raised in single parent homes differ from those who are raised in two parent homes. In the past it was taught that you were to find a husband get married and have children. Now in the African American community women have children without getting married. African American children raised in a single parent home are taught that you don’t need two parents to survive in the world that you can do it on your own as long as you are educated. African American families are putting more value on education than marriage. Most African American men are under educated socioeconomically disadvantaged or incarcerated. African American women are more educated than they were in the past. Today black women expect their mate to be equally or more educated

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