Mark Twain's Use Of Satire In Huckleberry Finn

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The classroom of today has been transformed into a variable war zone. Teachers are forced to walk on eggshells at all times or risk being fired because of an enraged parent or possibly a student that felt mistreated because an author used the word “nigger.” Some students get the idea that they are being persecuted because of the material they are being taught. To some, it seems that people seem to look for an excuse to be offended and take action against whoever they feel needs to be punished for reading a book. Teachers are now doing their jobs with both hands tied and children are at a disadvantage because of it. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is written by a master of satire, Mark Twain, who uses his characters to reflect the world’s happenings around him. Twain’s true intent is what should set this book in bookshelves as opposed to locked safes.…show more content…
People have become so defensive about even the smallest matters because of this. Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the foremost sufferers. Twain knowingly wrote on an extremely touchy subject because of his love to make people aggravated and think more about the world around them. He was willing to point out the flaws in society by pushing the limits in his book. Twain puts a young white boy in a grand journey with an enslaved black man, running for his freedom. Such circumstances are enough to set people off by itself, but Twain goes one step further to show the malice of the time, stereotyping a race. The thought of explaining Mark Twain’s book to students is enough to make most teachers shutter because of the ferocity of actions taken against those who cannot properly present the information. However, it is their job to introduce students to a true literary work of art. If we have no faith in our educators, then we lose hope in future generations’ capacity to judge right from
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