He realized the impact the media left on his reputation and could not go back to his job. The media took a mighty blow at Anthony Weiner, overall causing his demise in congress which exemplifies Matthew’s maxim that the press is the enemy. In this case the press was not only the enemy but the cold hand of death that killed the image of Anthony Wiener. All politics is local, simply but truthfully stated
Wilfred Owen Speech War, in all its proposed glory and pride, is a futile slaughter of body and mind. The majority of lost souls sent to fight were much the same age as yourselves. Would you too consider it a futile waste of opportunity and capability if you were to lose your lives now? I fought aside young, innocent men, and together we searched for the ‘Dulce’ and ‘Decorum’ of war amongst the pools of blood and rotting corpses, only to discover that my service to my country was based on a great lie. A lie fuelled by propaganda which drowned the desperate amongst a green sea of choking gas.
He also tells the murderers that Banquo is blameworthy for their tragic, unhappy lives. After angering the murderers, Macbeth switches to a more sarcastic tone and manipulates the murderers so they will feel like they need to prove themselves men, worthy of Macbeth’s presence. By asking questions, Macbeth leaves a gap between him and the murderers and waits for them to fill it. He asks “Are you so gospeled/ To pray for this good man and for his issue/ Whose heavy hand hath bowed you to the grave/ And beggared yours forever? (3.1.98-101).
By admitting that this act was one of the worst he has ever committed, he states that he himself feels guilty as well. If he believed that his actions were acceptable, he would not have offered any compensation at all. All Thornjob wants is for them to pick judges who would settle this issue between them, however Hrankfel immediately refuses because such an act would imply that the two men are equal. The fact that he does not want to go to court perhaps brings something else to surface: he might not want to take matters to court because he fears that he could potentially be found guilty. Helpless Thornjob now
It was the ultimate act of friendship and sacrifice, on George's part, to kill Lennie. He knew that Lennie would be lynched and hung for murdering Curley's wife. He also knew that Lennie didn't know any better, he had no idea the power of his own strength, he did not fully know the ramifications of what he had done, but he did know that it was bad and that he might get into trouble. George basically spared Lennie from a death filled with pain and suffering and Lennie almost had this moment of clarity when he knows what George has to do and he's ok with it. 3.
John heard of this and in his fury had Geoffrey imprisoned in chains, clad in a cope made of lead and starved. Geoffrey died an agonising death.’ I don’t think this source is a trustworthy source because he can’t tell us the name or the whereabouts of the sheriff. Roger tells us that John let a robber that murdered a priest go because it was an enemy of his but government records show that John ordered anyone killing a priest
Naming Santiago declared him a dead man and the brothers' set out for revenge. As rumors raced across the town, many failed to warn Santiago of his pending death and sadly allowed the blood of a man to be spattered on the doorstep of his own home. The underlying cause of Santiago Nasar's death is the cultural ideology of machismo, the abandonment of moral sensibility, and the unjust double standard Angela and the Vicario Brothers live by. A primary factor that aids in Santiago's murder is the stringent rule of machismo. Machismo in the Vicario Brothers' minds is simply a way of life.
It was a thoroughly senseless and brutal murder. "He took the life of an innocent young man who was unfortunate enough to be his friend in a completely brutal manner, simply for his own enjoyment. "Having regard to the whole of the evidence, I consider Milat, with his personality disorder, to be at best a substantial risk and poses a serious potential danger to the community. "I am unable to find that these are genuine expressions of remorse. In my view they were written for forensic purposes only.
However, when her father caught her in the act, her reaction can not be pardoned. She refused to take any responsibilities for her actions, and, instead, accused Tom of rape. Her irresponsible actions caused the death of an innocent man, ripped his family apart, and jeopardized two young lives. Therefore, Mayella Ewell should be held responsible for her actions and deserves condemnation. First of all, Mayella caused the death of an innocent man: Tom Robinson.
“The Great Chain of Being was supposed to keep the Earth in a stable condition and order. Anything that breaks this chain of order was said to disrupt the stability of the universe.” (Wikka 1) Macbeth was selfish to commit this act for nothing but personal gain. In the end he was not even content with the outcome, just like the people around him. “I’ll go no more: / I am afraid to think what I have done” (II.ii.48-49) Therefore, selfishness only leads to unhappiness and trouble for all. This is shown, also, when Macbeth begins to keep his wife out from his life.