Mandatory Dna Fingerprinting

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Dr. Debora Ladner September, 27 2014 General Biology Mandatory DNA Fingerprinting First of all, DNA fingerprinting is a test to identify and evaluate the genetic information in a person’s cell. It could be used to determine family relationship, solve crimes, forensics and also identification. But who discovered the DNA fingerprinting? DNA fingerprinting was discovered between 1970 and 1980 in a small lab in the University of Leicester in the UK by Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, a British geneticist born on Jan 9th 1950 in Oxford, England. He was trying to find out how people vary in the DNA sequences and find genetic markers for specific diseases. Since he discovered the DNA fingerprinting it has been helpful in paternity testing, criminal investigations, twin studies and more. Now, how does DNA fingerprinting impact in our society? DNA fingerprinting has impact in different societies, for example in India; the use of DNA fingerprinting can prevent the large-scale exploitation of women and several kinds of litigation. DNA fingerprinting is causing significant debates. Should the US government require all citizens, or only those who are arrested for any reason, to submit samples of DNA fingerprinting? From the government side, one of the benefits they think it would be good is because it could help to obtain medical records and when need it, it could help obtain blood types, hospital visits, tests done, past surgeries, in order to know how can a person should be treated. In the other side there are people concerned because they think that if the government has every citizen’s DNA; it would give more power to control everybody’s lives. And there may be some abuse in collecting genetic information stored in databases. It also would be very costly. Conclusion: Apparently, getting DNA fingerprinting from every single person no matter if they are arrested
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