Making The Pre-School a Supportive And Safe Enviro

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Diploma in Pre-School Practice L3 Assignment - Unit 3 March 2012 Making the pre-school setting a supportive and safe environment. P1 – Early years settings must work within a framework of legislation to work towards meeting the needs of all children and families who attend. The Equality Act became law in October 2010 and replaced all existing discrimination legislation, such as The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Sex Discrimination Act 1975. The Act states that people with protected characteristics must not be discriminated against. The protected characteristics are age, disability, race, religion, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy/maternity, sexual orientation and marriage/civil partnership. There are three public sector equality duties whom those in receipt of public money must abide by. They are to promote equality of opportunity, to foster good relations between groups and to eliminate unlawful discrimination. Pre-schools have a statutory duty therefore to meet these requirements for children, families and staff. Pre-schools should have an Inclusion policy and in Essex have an Equality Named Coordinator and a Single Equality Scheme in place to ensure they are meeting statutory regulations. Great Britain signed up to the UN Convention on Rights of Child in 1991. We are committed to working towards the 54 articles of the Convention that promise all children the same rights. The Unicef website states that these rights are “based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential.” (1) It is the most complete statement of children’s rights ever produced and includes the following that are particularly relevant to early years provision: Article 23 – children with disabilities have the right to live full, independent lives and be active members of the community Article 29 – education must encourage

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