Equality & Diversity

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Karen Hill Unit 3 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Work with children and young people 1. Understand the importance of promoting equality and diversity in work with children and young people 1.1 Identify the current legislation and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity At The Meadows Community Primary School there are a range of policies which set out guidelines and procedures for ensuring equality. These must take into account the rights of all individuals and groups within the school. Policies must also pay regard to the values and practice which are apart of all aspects of school life. It is important for myself to understand relevant legislation and it’s purpose, as this will help me in my role as a teaching assistant and make me aware of my responsibilities. The rights of all children and young people are stated in the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). The UK Government must ensure that the right’s of children in the UK are protected through law. These rights include the right to education and the right for children to have views respected. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Protects the rights of all those with disabilities. It also places a duty on schools and other organisations to eliminate barriers to ensure that individuals can gain equal access to services. Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Places a duty for schools to produce a Disability Equality Scheme. Schools must encourage participation in all aspects of school, eliminate harassment and unlawful discrimination. Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Makes it unlawful for education providers to discriminate against special educational need or disability. Race Relations Act 2000 Outlines the duty of organisations to promote good relationships
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