Lolita Unpsoken Truth

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In the book Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov a young girl named Dolores catches the eye of a fellow named Humbert Humbert. He, as we have found out through various chapters, is mentally ill. He is fond of young girls otherwise known as nymphets. Dolores is a special case though, she reminds him of his first love Annabel who died from typhus. Humbert Humbert’s fascination with Dolores has come about because he has never been able to really let go of Annabel. Towards the end of the book, the idea of love, despair and fulfillment played a huge part in Humbert Humbert’s story. Dolores ends up running from him, only to find out that years later she is pregnant and married. He loves her and always will, but for all the wrong reasons. Humbert Humbert has made it clear that he wants to be everything to Lolita (Dolores) “And I was such a thoughtful friend, such a passionate father, such a good pediatrician, attending to all the wants of my little auburn brunette’s body.” (Nabokov 165). I believe he has MPD otherwise known as multiple personality disorder because he finds the need to be a bit of everything for Lolita. He’s her father and her lover. You cannot be a father figure and a lover all in one. It’s not morally acceptable in society. Even if it was, no man should be allowed to touch a young girl. When placed in awkward positions Humbert comes off as a caring and loving father. Is that his way of showing affection for Lolita or for selfish reasons such as sex? No one can really be sure of that. There are multiple incidents when MPD seems to come into play with him. One scenario is when Humbert and Lolita were staying overnight in a motel and Humbert on a few occasions he calls her his daughter and says he needs an extra cot for her. But, receiving that cot didn’t stop him from sleeping with her. He is a hypocrite towards himself. He says people are foolish for thinking

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