Literature Review on Sales Performance

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LITERATURE REVIEW ON SALES PERFORMANCE USING INCENTIVE PROGRAMMES The objective of this review is to identify the sales performance within the incentive programme employed in the corporate strategy in order to measure the core competencies of the sales force based on the sales performance targets. The Seven (7) steps framework for measuring human resource strategies as proposed by Becker & Huselid (1998) to drive and to measure an organization’s performance. According to the Theory of Bucknall & Ohtaki (2005), the best practices for developing a high-performance salesforce are as follows: -Training salespeople to become specialists -Teaching salespeople to interact with customers using various methods -Developing good listening and questioning skills to discover customer needs -Establishing mentoring relationships between senior and junior sales staff -Coaching the sales team by sales manager -Providing product training through the use of the intranet -Enforcing on-the-job training via the sales manager -Sharing best practices -Setting expectation via standardized orientation -Have executives sponsor key global accounts The Theory of Sales Motivation Theory of Individual Motivation In order to differentiate the motivators to be applied and to decide upon the method to be used to motivate people, we shall discuss some motivation theories. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs According to Maslow (1987), there appeared to be two types of needs: deficiency needs and growth needs. The deficiency needs are physiological needs, safety needs, and social needs. The growth needs are ego needs and self-actualization. The related examples are shown in Table1.0 Table1.0: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Motivators | Examples | Self-Actualization Needs | Reach one’s potential | Ego Needs | Recognition, achievement, status | Social

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