Literary Text Analysis: The Most Dangerous Games By Melvin Paige

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Literary Text in The Most Dangerous Games By: Melvin Paige The literary texts that stood out to me were suspense, foreshadowing, and irony. Bullying in Jabari’s presentation had a big connection to the story. This is mainly because of how the story ends. This told me that bullying does not always go as planned. At Least in this situation it didn’t. Suspense is used a fair amount in the story. Most of the suspense, you can really point it out. For example, when the door opens and Ivan holds a gun to Rainsford’s chest. At this moment in the book I thought Rainsford was about to be killed. Another is when Rainsford sees small bullets and lots of blood that looks like it came from some really big game. Foreshadowing is not very common

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