Liberalism Vs Conservatism

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Liberalism and conservatism has changed over the years to make up the government that we have today. Modern Conservatism and Modern Liberalism have been formed by the beliefs of different. Conservatists’ and Liberalists have different ideas on how they believe that the government should be run. Most conservative people would find themselves in the republican party while liberalists are predominately democrats. As a whole both types of people tend to have similar views with details that they may or may not oppose. Liberalists are more for individual rights rather than government intervention. Whereas conservatists’ agree with ideas that liberalists may have but approve of government intervention and do not so much agree with things such as affirmative action. The ideas of government helping out people is not seen as highly with conservatists’ as it is with liberalists. What is really funny is that most people do not know that modern conservatists are actually classical liberalists and modern liberalists are actually classical conservatists. It is amazing where the government has come as of today. With this in mind one can see how the government itself has changed over time. Modern liberals have brought about programs such as social security, unemployment, medicare, and Medicaid just to name a few. The view that the government should be involved in helping individuals get past the harsh realities of life. Conservatitst are not so eager to help individuals. They see the government as a help for larger people and companies tat help to run the world. Conservatists are quick to use brute strength of our
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