Level 2 Childcarer Unit 5b Tda 2.9

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Unit 5B TDA 2.9 1.1 Three different policies that promote children and young people’s positive behaviour are; Anti-bullying, rewards and sanctions and the behaviour policy. At my setting the aim of the anti-bullying policy is to ensure that pupils learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. Bullying is anti-social and affects everyone; it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Also to take positive action to prevent bullying from occurring throughout the school and to produce a consistent school response to any bullying incidents that may occur. The procedure that is put in place for anti-bullying is: For the school of my placement takes action immediately if bullying happens, which then we help bullies realize the consequences of their actions and to teach them different and better ways of behaving in the future and we also support victims of bullying by providing them with ways on how to deal with any types of bullying if it was to happen again. Our code of conduct policy states that each year group has agreed a code of conduct with their teachers and in Reception the children have their own set of golden rules about how to behave in class. Home and school contracts are signed by parents and children. When they start at our school and a copy is sent home and a copy is retained by school. We aim to work together as a school and maintain a whole school approach to developing high standards of behavior. Each member of staff has responsibilities for all children in the school and if there is a problem the member of staff involved will deal with the child and take appropriate action regardless of which class/year group the child is in. It is important for staff to inform each other of any problems or dealings they may have with the children. If there is any major problems with a child then that is where our reward and
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