Law421 Role and Function of Law

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Role and Functions of Law It would be easy to think of law only in terms of criminal punishment. However, the role and functions of law are much broader than just criminal punishment and dictate many of our functions in both society and business. Law serves as a catalyst in promoting economic development through transactions between consumers, business, and suppliers. The collective views of a given society determine the characteristics of law by creating obligations, duties, and rights to uphold these societal views (Melvin, 2011). In the case of Cipollone vs Ligget Group, Inc., et al. 505 U.S. 504 (1992) filed after the death of his mother. Cipollone accused the Ligget Group of false advertising, misrepresentation of the hazards of smoking and conspiracy to deprive the public of the medical and scientific information about smoking. The court ruled against Cipollone stating preemptive federal law took precedence over state law in the regulation of a certain type of advertising. This writing will touch on the role and function of constitutional law its supreme power over other sources of law (Melvin, 2012). Law Defined According to Melvin (2011) the role and function of law governs “a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling authority, and having legal binding force” (pg. 4) and is established to promote justice and equality in both business and society. Time and societal growth have evolved law into a complex system of rules and regulations that govern the conduct of individuals and business, resolve disputes, and seek to maintain orderly societies. The Function of Law Both businesses and members of society alike often go about the day not giving a second thought to the role and functions of law; yet the purpose of law is to safeguard the investment and interest in these two groups. The World Academy (2012) identifies eight
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