Language Is Freedom

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Language is freedom Why is language freedom? Language is our most relevant tool in communicating with others. Try having a conversation with a Chinese right now. I’m sure that won’t work unless you speak Chinese, so this is the freedom that language brings to us. When you know well your language and practice acquiring more when you are running short of vocabulary, you will be successful speaking, writing and communicating. I have to admit that during the reading I had to do some research In order to understand what I was reading and to be able to reflect on it. I find it amusing to know how an individual will respond and react in a situation like his (being in jail). Why would he want to write back to all those hustlers even though he knew they wouldn’t get the letters? Why he decided to write to the Mayor and other important people at that time? What did he meant when he said that the white man was the devil? I’m trying to understand, but I’m just guessing that he was enraged for being held as a prisoner. It’s encouraging to know that his desire to be understood made him create his own knowledge with no help at all. What he did is what’s missing now a days because we are used to read just when we need to and most of us, if we don’t understand a word won’t even look for it on google. I will have to say that I agree with the author when he says “truly free in my life” Because he is not only letting you as a reader know how free he felt, yet he is making you feel what he had to go through to reach his goal. I can understand by the attitude of the author that he is letting you know that, if you have trouble communicating it’s never late to take action about it. Also he lets you know that you will have to work hard to get results and that it will take time too. Just had to say this to you guys “Don’t wait to be in prison to try to develop your language in a more
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