Lake Powell Pipeline Case Study

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Lake Powell Pipeline Lake Powell Pipeline Utah is the second driest state in the United States and Southern Utah receives even less precipitation then the rest of the state. Washington County was founded in the mid 1800s as a place to grow cotton. The dry climate and mild winters made cotton growing possible in a state that otherwise was too cold. However, just as Phoenix and Las Vegas grew at explosive rates in the late 1900s so did Washington County. The comfortable year round climate was perfect for golf courses, retirees, and snowbirds escaping the winter months of the North. The Utah Department of Natural Resources 1998 study projected…show more content…
All three routes will take them through unique vegetation communities, different habitat types, and sensitive areas. They have been analyzing the best management practices that will minimize the adverse effects on the native vegetation and restoration after disturbance of the special status plants species, and trying to stop the spreading of invasive weeds. Some of the rare plants they observed are xeranthemoides, atwoodii, eriogonum mortonianum, eriogonum thompsoniae var., pediocactus sileri, echinocactus polyephalus var., and perdiomelum epipsilum. Every crewmember on the surveying team was given plant identification cards to target rare or special species of plants and noxious weed species. They would document all their findings and report to roving crew manager (Logan Simpson Design,…show more content…
With all the research that has There are positives and negative human effects of the Lake Powell Pipeline project been done, there are more negative effects about building this pipeline. One of the negatives for the people in Utah is that they wanting every taxpayer to pay fifteen percent earmark for the future growth in all sales taxes. One of the positives is that Southern Utah would have the water for the projected growth by 2020. The thing is there is really no need for the pipeline, with the 2010 Census it has shown that they were off there projections by a few hundred thousand. In Washington County, the projection for 2060 is now around 498,200 residents this is about a 42 percent less then they originally projected. This one could be a positive or a negative depending on what side someone takes (Nuding,

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