Ladybugs Essay

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According to O’Toole, British biologist J.B.S. Haldane said “God has an inordinate fondness for beetles.” (2) It has been reported that a person may get married almost immediately if a ladybug lands on their clothing and a person might have satisfactory riches, if a ladybug rest on their skin or head. Still, some people believe that ladybugs are linked to mysticism and sacred dedications (Hubbell 38). However, my interest in ladybugs is based on their benefit to farmers and gardeners. This paper will also include information concerning the ladybug’s history, description, habitat, life cycle and significance to the environment. 1. History For almost six hundred years ladybugs were identified as ladybirds or lady beetles deriving its name after the Virgin Mary. Some ladybugs are from England, and some are from Asia and other countries but, when they came to the United States the name was Americanized to ladybug. However, there are over three hundred seventy thousand kinds of ladybugs and they possess numerous diverse names. The actual scientific name of the ladybug that I am interested in is the Hippodamia Convergens. Ladybugs are classified as Insecta, in the order Coleoptera, and in the family unit Coccinellidae. In fact, in 1975, the people in Ohio became so fond of lady beetles that they endorsed them as their official state insect (Hubbell 38, 41, 57). 2. Description Not all ladybugs are female because they can be either male or female. Although their gender can be masculine or feminine, they are still known as ladybugs. However, the female ladybugs are quite bigger than their male mates but contingent upon their types; nearly all ladybugs are fewer than one fourth inches in length. The elytra is the anatomy that is oval or bowed in shaped and is rather glossy that is made up of a solid hard covering that enclose and shelter the wings that are thin,
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