Labour Turnover and Absentism

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labour turnover is the proportion of the employees leaving a business over a period of time- usually a year. In general labour turnover indicates how content the workforce is in a firm. If a company always have a labour turnover that could be a good sign but also can be seen as something bad as the new people don’t particuarly know how the company works and they need to settle in first, this settling in time is not productive time for the company and might loose money through this. The good thing about labour turnover is that new employees have better/new ideas for the company. The case study of labour turnover shows us that in 2005 the labour turnover rate was at 10% and in 2007 in 20.8% meaning that it increased double in 3 years, which is debatable if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. Absenteeism the proportion of employees not at work on a given day. A high rate of absenteeism tends to be an indicator of underlying problems either with the individuals involved or with the business itself. If a person is usally ill on a Monday or on a Friday more regugarly during the year that should be very suspicous for the company this might be just due to illness, hangover from a party at the weekend or on a Friday it might be because of a sporting event. As employers want the workers to work efectively for the company they have to turn up for their work, but if they are ill or don’t turn up the company still have to pay them their loan (even though some employers think this is not fair). The caste study rate of absenteeism in 2005 was 2% and in 2007 it was 3.1% this shows us that people are more often ill this might be due to not enough leisure time as a lot of companies want to keep their workers busy and not to have more workers than they actually need or the workers are just lazy and don’t want to turn up for work. Health and safety absenteeism there

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