Korean Pop Music

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Korean Pop Recently, Korean artists have become more and more popular in America. Rain, a Korean singer, recently held a concert at the Madison Square Garden, which was sold out. SNSD was on the David Letterman Show. A song by Wonder Girls was included in the Billboard Hot 100 Songs. A Korean-Pop chart was even added to the Billboard charts. But why is Korean music becoming so popular in America? Korean music is different from the music in America. In my opinion, the Korean artists have unique musical and performance styles, which are new and fresh compared to some American styles. For example, a famous Korean band named 2AM will just stand on the stage and sing slow and emotional songs, while American artists such as Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Katy Perry all sing and dance. The reason 2AM performs this way is because they focused on their actual ability to sing and understand the song more than on performance. Another group from Korea is a group called f(x). They sing about things that don’t really make sense together – they will sing about a ‘Pinocchio’, and go straight into saying they are in danger. 2AM and f(x) are two of the many examples of how Korean music is different from American music. The other artists all have unique styles and they are different from each other. The Korean artists are ‘perfect’ at what they do. The Korean artists are groomed by their companies to look, sing and dance extremely well. The entertainment companies will plan every step needed for their artist to succeed. Some of these steps include vocal training, dance lessons, and in some cases, even plastic surgery. This might sound a little overbearing, but the results are artists who are great at the things they do – artists who sing great, look good, and dance well. The Korean music is becoming more popular in America because every artist has a different style of music and

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