Kite Runner Revision

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Sample Introduction: In Khaled Hosseini’s confronting text The Kite Runner, we are drawn into the tumultuous world of Afghanistan before and during the brutal reign of the Taliban. Against this horrible backdrop we encounter the spineless Amir, with his own inner conflict over the relationship with his father; the domineering, god like Baba. Compounding the basic insecurities which underpin Amir’s relationship with his father, we see unfolding in the text a series of lies and sins that manage to separate Baba and Amir and the ways they develop their own morals. Thus, Amir embarks on his quest for atonement, to “find a way to be good again”. Key Scenes: Hassan in alleyway: Amir stands frozen, simply watching, as Hassan is raped. While Hassan would sacrifice anything for his friend Amir, as he demonstrates now by refusing to give up the kite, Amir shows his weakness and disloyalty to Hassan by deciding not to step in and stop the vicious sexual attack. This event is a pivotal point in Amir’s life; nothing will ever be the same again: “I opened my mouth, almost said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn’t” Amir’s actions show his gutless cowardice in the face of this moral challenge. Amir cannot accept Hassan as a true friend in front of his peers, and this is shamefully exposed as Hassan endures Assef’s inhumane cruelty Amir kite running for Sohrab: The conclusive scene in the text shows Amir assuming the role of servant, running a kite for Hassan’s orphaned son Sohrab: “Do you want me to run that kite for you?...For you, a thousand times over” It is only when Amir is a grown man that he is able to fully recognise the guilt he has harboured ever since he witnessed Hassan’s rape as a young boy. He finally takes responsibility for his actions and takes in Hassan’s son Sohrab in a bid to repent his past sins

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