Kawasaki Swot Analysis

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Kawasaki Business Vision 2020 The Kawasaki Business Vision 2020, which was formulated in 2010, defines the vision and direction of businesses that the KHI Group should achieve to realize the Group mission: “Kawasaki, working as one for the good of planet.” The vision also defines a quantitative vision of the KHI Group in fiscal 2020 to provide a long-term perspective in allocating management resources. (1) Business Vision 1.Business sectors and their objectives The KHI Group aims to be a corporate group that swiftly supplies the products and services that fulfill a diverse range of needs of people worldwide by utilizing its innovative and advanced technological capabilities in the principal business sectors of Land, Sea and Air Transportation Systems, Energy & Environmental Engineering and Industrial Equipment, thereby opening up the potential of its customers and society 2.Profitability and growth investment Secure high adaptability to changing business environments and high profitability with continuous investment for future growth 3.Emphasis on monozukuri (manufacturing) and global business development Actively promote overseas business development from production to sales, while upgrading domestic plants as mother factories 4.Co-existence and co-prosperity with society Contribute to solving social issues and fulfilling stakeholders’ expectations through business activities 5.Improvement of the global environment Secure comfortable living and a better global environment by providing products featuring the most advanced low environmental impact technologies, and systems composed of those products 6.Greater job satisfaction Ensure a safe and pleasant working environment where employees can have greater job satisfaction with hopes and ambitions for their future (2) Quantitative Vision <Consolidated Quantitative Vision for FY2020>

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