Kaiser to Fuhrer C Grade Response

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To what extent was Germany a parliamentary democracy in the years 1900- 1914? Germany was not a fully parliamentary democratic government in the years 1900-14, however there are elements which suggest otherwise, I will be exploring the matter considering factors such as the Reichstag and its limitations as well as the Kaiser and the constitution in Wilhelmine Germany. There were aspects in Germany that implies a parliamentary democracy was emerging in 1900-14. As Germany was experiencing a second industrial revolution the growth in the working class, which were highly educated become more politically active and as a result because of their poor living/working conditions wanted socialist change. Therefore this large influence was causing the SPD’s to grow considerably in the Reichstag, consuming the majority of seats in the parliament. Therefore the Reichstag was in left-wing position. This posed a threat to the right-wing position that the government was currently in. Therefore this implies political parties were becoming more influential in the parliament as the Kaiser could not overlook such a dominant party in the Reichstag. However it could be argued that Wilhelm II’s aims to crush socialism in response to Caprivi’s tolerance for Socialism in his years as chancellor disagree with this view as it suggests he is aiming for more of an autocratic state where he holds state control. Another notable factor which suggests Germany was a parliamentary democracy is Wilhelm II could ignore the views of the centre party; failed attempts to previously dismiss them such as the Kulturkampf were a failure because the party’s strong political views are extremely influential, and they have always had a substantial amount of seats in the party. This in turn meant the government was influenced by the parliament. However, there were many events which demonstrate the Kaiser
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