Franklin D. Roosevelt Progressivism

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Progressivism: Roosevelt’s Reign The United States have undergone many changes due to the efforts of many Americans who are willing to fight for causes that were out of the ordinary and made sense. Theodore Roosevelt was the President during this time period. He also made it illegal to give preferential treatment to railroad passengers with the Elkins Act in 1903. Later, The Hepburn Act, gave Congress even more power over the railroads. These changes made by Roosevelt have broken the threshold of strong monopoly business practices and has created “fairness” in the economy. The Pure Food and Drug Act was passed during this time period (1906). This was very important because it was passed along with the Meat Inspection Act. Both…show more content…
Many people decided at one point to withdraw money from the bank. But the problem was that the bank didn’t have any because they took loans out. This event showed the United States that control of imaginable money is hard to handle, and that if treated incorrectly, it could be the demise of a successful economy. The Great Depression: The Great Depression occurred as a result of the Stock Market crash of 1919. This was the year where Franklin D. Roosevelt made a huge effort to restore the economy. During Roosevelt’s reign, Social Security was created. This and along with the new Wagner Act and the Security Exchange Commission, Roosevelt begins to tackle the many problems of the United States. Many Americans were put to work thanks to Roosevelt. The AAA, the CCC, the TVA, the FDIC, and the NIRA were established to create stable jobs and ways to have people help others. Deficit spending was one of the many things Roosevelt did, but he did it because it was the only way to help the United States get out of the economic struggle. The moral of the Great Depression is that there are ways for the United States to pull out of financial ruins and that desperate times calls for desperate measures. World War I: America’s…show more content…
Their economy grew better over time and the United States. As a result capitalism proved to be a stronghold, and America decided to partake in the war. Creation of Atomic and Nuclear Weapons The creation of nuclear weapons started during the cold war. Many of the weapons were developed under the influence of threats to the United States. Nuclear warfare also popped up in World War I were toxic gas was released to kill of many soldiers. Other occurrences such as the Atomic Bomb were used to end the Second World War. The world has gone crazy nowadays trying to threaten each other with weapons that could potentially destroy us all. Vietnam War This was one war where the United States practically invited themselves to protect themselves. The Americans fought in the war to protect itself from the spread of communism. Many Americans died in the war, so it was one of the most disappointing losses the Americans would have to deal with. Most of the things done in the war were also unsuccessful. For example, vietnamization. After the troops were withdrawn from Vietnam, the South Vietnamese were unable to resist the North
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